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Commission status: CLOSED
slots: (0/3)

My name is Artur
I'm a 

Freelance Artist

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About Me.

My name is Artur Vilela, I am a digital illustrator from Brazil, specializing in creating illustrations of fantasy characters, video game characters, tabletop characters, among other things... My aspiration for drawing and creating art started quite a long time ago, but I've only started working with commission requests a few years back. My goal as an digital illustrator is to try and bring your ideas to life! Will you help me with working towards that?

My pricelist.

I work with payment upfront. If you change your mind, you can cancel the commission for free at any point BEFORE payment, after that there won’t be any type of refund, since I probably will already be working on it. At the end of the process I’ll handle the finalized version of the files in JPGE, and the PSD (merged layers) all in high quality, 300 DPI.

You are welcome to share the illustration wherever you want, but be nice, remember to credit me.

(I believe this method benefits both me as the artist, as it is safer against any type of scam, and you, the client, because, of course, my reputation is on the line here.)

Do not send me any type of payment before I can reply to your commission request!

Artur Vilela's Arts: looking for a freelance digital artist - digital artist commissions available - illustrators for rpg character oc - dnd fantasy characters 2d - 2D digital stylized illustrations

Portrait commission example
Portrait / bust

+ 30 USD for complex clothing or armored characters.


60 USD

Half body commission example
Half body

+ 40 USD per additional character;

+ 35 USD per each complex clothing or armored character.

80 USD

Full body commission example
Full body

+ 50 USD per additional character;

+ 40 USD per each complex clothing or armored character.

100 USD


Simple backgrounds (empty or filled with simple colors or patterns) are for free!

+ 50 USD for paintings with complex backgrounds.

How it works:

Although I would love to bring all of your requests to light, there are some lines I won't cross. Let's get some things clear:

What I make:

The pieces here displayed are able to exemplify my “art style” and favorite line of work as well, the realm of fantasy, with preference to medieval fantasy.

Don’t be shy, though, futuristic fantasy like scy-fi or any other type of genre is also negotiable.

What I DON'T make:

I’ll not accept jobs that depict any kind of excessive gore or pornographic nudity (artistic nudity is negotiable);

Politically sensitive/ofensive depictions;

Send me
a message

Just fill out this form, or, if preffered, just directly contact me at 

Thanks for submitting! I will reply to your email soon.

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