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How it works



It depends, much on the complexity of your request. Other commissions being done before yours also affect this estimate. I still consider myself as a slow illustrator, so as a standard, it takes roughly one month.


Don’t worry though, I’ll keep in touch, updating you with each and every step of the painting process, only proceeding to the next after making sure that you are liking where it is going. This includes:


  • Reference search

  • Sketch and linework

  • Base color implementation

  • Shading

  • Polishing


Ideally, I'd like to have as much time as possible to develop your piece, that would make sure that it would be given the care that it deserves, and would allow me to accept other commissions simultaneously, giving me more profit at the end of the day.

Keep in mind that setting a tighter deadline might end up stacking an additional fee on top of the final price to cover rushed production costs.


After the piece reaches its final state, you have one more chance to request minor adjustments, like color, shading or atmosphere changes, but nothing that would require more extensive tinkering, like a different pose or additional elements not previously mentioned. Remember to be specific with your requests at the beginning of our process, people.

BloodMage concept
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